First responders learn how to identify and address a human trafficking victim during this free iEmpathize training course designed specifically from the unique perspective of a firefighter, EMT, paramedic and 911 dispatcher. Watch an introduction to the course below or click on the enroll button for more information.

Instructor Provides Firefighter Forcible Entry Training, Showing Use of Forcible Entry Tools

Fire instructor Rich Cantarella and Interstate Rescue provide firefighter forcible entry training in this fire training video. Cantarella teaches forcible entry techniques with a forcible entry door prop, while discussing the importance of training on simple tasks. VIDEO TRANSCRIPTION: Anytime I do this, I use ‘strike’ or ‘hit’ which means one. We use ‘drive’ to tell the others that we …

Insight Training: Firefighter Thermal Imaging Camera Training Using Max Fire Box

Andy Starnes of Insight Training provides firefighter thermal imaging camera training using a Max Fire Box and a FLIR thermal imaging camera. Using this flashover training device, Starnes shows how to forecast fire behavior and how to use a thermal imaging camera for firefighting decision making at a Interstate Rescue training in Bridgeport, WV. VIDEO TRANSCRIPTION: My name is Andy …

Instructor Teaches Self-Rescue Techniques for a Firefighter Window Hang and Ladder Bails

In this training video, Jason Abitz recalls an incident when six FDNY firefighters lost their lives while trying to execute a window hang, falling 50 feet onto concrete. Abitz goes on to teach various firefighter self-rescue techniques, including proper firefighter window hang techniques and safe firefighter window bailout skills VIDEO TRANSCRIPTION: Today, we are learning about firefighter window hanging and …

Looking for Firefighting Training Ideas? Interstate Rescue Creates High-Pressure Firefighter Training Props

Check out recent training from Interstate Rescue! If you’re looking for firefighter training ideas, this Performance Under Pressure evolution was designed to force personnel to perform under intense physical and mental pressure. This firefighter training video includes an obstacle course and firefighter training props, along with live burn training and cognitive ability training. VIDEO TRANSCRIPTION: The firefighters are going to …


Firefighter Chainsaw Training Video Covers Basic Firefighter Roof Ventilation Cuts/Principles

Super Vac Regional Sales Manager Gary Wilkins provides basic firefighter chainsaw training during a Central Alabama Training Solution annual training event. Attendees attempted firefighter roof ventilation cuts using battery- and gas-powered fire ventilation saws equipped with a depth gauge. Firefighters cut into decking material with unexposed rafters and double-layer shingles. Here, we have a battery-operated chainsaw and a gas-operated chainsaw. …