In this firefighter elevator rope rescue training video, instructor Chris Smity discusses preparing to go down into a shaft for an elevator entrapment rescue.
You want to be slow and controlled when we go down because there’s a lot of things that can happen.
Nine times out of ten, I’m going to pick you over him to get in that space. When I have to pick your little ass up is better than picking his big ass up. Everybody kind of tracking? I’m not saying the big people can’t go. The big person might have to go.
As he goes down, that minds itself. If this fails, this engages. Even if this thing was to shock out, it locks up. It’s not a twin tension. It’s a main and belay system. Alright, it’s not mirrored. A mirrored is two like devices. Twin tension, could be two different devices, but we still use twin tension.
And this is the only one that you’re worried about maintaining. This is great when we don’t have 50 people. We have five – three – and I don’t want to waste a body here. Can this person do both? Yes. You’re controlling his descent just by your hands.