Upstairs Fire Hose Management Firefighter Training

‘When Things Go Bad’ instructors teach firefighters how to be manage a firehose upstairs at CSFFA Fire College 2022 in Parker, CO

This structure fire training video provides upstairs fire hose management, teaching firefighters how to efficiently move fire hose upstairs in a structure fire. Firefighters train on moving upstairs while maintaining control of the fire hose.


“Be cognoscente of the condition of the stairs. Double check them, make sure they’re not spongy or anything like that.”


Let’s do a bit of hose management here. Do some flowing.  Sometimes you have to flow on stairs but honestly if you cool that environment before at the bottom, you’re going to probably be pretty good. Just be cognoscente of the condition of the stairs. Double check them, make sure they’re not spongy or anything like that.

We run two people, two-man hoselines interior, so we just need to be cognoscente of those pinch points. Making sure you go wide, preload your ropes, right? And then just work together. Communication, “Okay I’m going back for more hose.” Try to keep it simple. You’re probably going to be a little bit out of breath, right? This is why we train cardiovascular to be able to hit our max and operate at this level.

So, he or she has done a really good job of setting me up here. So now we know we need to go there. I just cooled down the stairwell, alright. So now we’re going to advance.

‘Take the nozzle. Advance and pin the hose to the ground so you don’t lose control of it. Then using your big muscles, pull it up the stairs.’


One of my go to methods here. So, I take the nozzle, I advance and pin this hose right to the ground here. So I don’t lose control of it. Then using my big muscles pull it up the stairs.

So now I need to bring this up so we can finish the rest of this. I can brace up against this wall like this, using my big muscles make a big pull. We reach a pinch point, he flows and I go down and get rid of the pinch point.

I’m back up at my nozzle person and we’re fighting fire.

So initially start, you got a good pin on that?

Yeah. Yeah. Okay.

So using your body mechanics, turn around, hand goes here. You’re gonna have to support this line as you push it up.

You’re using all your arms, get your legs into it and your hips.

Underhand and body movement. Then just grab it and…BOOM. Nice.

Remember our flow paths, right? You want to get all the walls. And you want to come down right in that center. Probably where to start right? Knock it out.