GripHoist Tie Back Rig Part 1 | Vehicle Extrication Training

Next Level Extrication Instructor Paul Shoemaker takes firefighters through step-by-step instruction on proper technique with a GripHoist at the Arvada Auto X 2023 in Arvada, CO.

This multi-part fireground training series teaches firefighters how to set up a tie back rig system to create space between a vehicle and barrier in a vehicle extrication scenario. In part one of the series, Next Level Extrication Instructor Paul Shoemaker takes firefighters through step-by-step instruction on proper technique with a GripHoist.


(Arvada Auto X 2023 Instructor, Donny Ottaway):

So that vehicle is simulating an off the highway wreck, bad roll over up into an embankment or something like that. A wall that we can work around.

And obviously it’s going to be tough to work in there.

So we’re going to show you guys how to make some space with the grip hoist.

And basically what we’re going to do, is we’re going to get that vehicle up to on its side,

while simultaneously putting down two Rescue 42 struts to hold it there.

We’re going to have a little safety built in with another ratchet as a back tie, and then we’re going

 to do a roof removal. and a dash lift once we get it stable.

(Next Level Extrication Instructor, Paul Shoemaker):
We’re going to go to grip hoist with ya.

This particular grip hoist is about 4,000/2-ton grip hoist.

It basically works as if, the same maneuver that you are going to do to lower it, is going to be the same maneuver you are going to take tension on the system. The difference is, are you going to put the handle on this side? Or are you going to put the handle on this side?

The fact that this handle is bigger, if you look at the two of them, means that that is the side that will pull tension. The thinner one is the one that will release tension. That’s the best way to know what you’re doing with.

But in order to start that process, you have to feed the cable through. As you can tell, as I try to feed the cable through it gets stuck because it’s not in free-spool.

Put it in free-spool. We have to take a little bit of tension off of this handle. You guys can see the pin over here on this side.


I will take a little tension. I’ll push the pin in just like that. Pull that all the way up.

Hold it. Release my finger from the pin that will keep it in free-spool.

Bring it back to the way I want it to. Spool that all the way through, when I’m ready to lock it into place, would be when I’ve taken all of the slack out of the system. Because we have so much slack here,  I don’t want to sit here and try to work this slack through like this.

Pull the slack through the grip hoist to where you think you want to be, where you want to be, then lock it into place.

Instructor Tip

I’d rather just pull it through. Pull it through to where you think you want to be, where you want to be.

Then you’ve got to take it and put it into actual functioning mode, which is going to pull back on this handle, push your button back in the tab, let it down as you let it down.

Just make sure your fingers are clear and then release your tab.

Now, you have a little notch there.

You have this little tiny nipple right there. Okay.

As you stick it on there. Make sure that notch is going right inside that nipple and then rotate so it doesn’t come out.

Now, if I want to release my tension, as you can see, it’s releasing the tension.

This is where my load is. It’s bringing the load back down.

If I want to bring it over, I’ll do the same thing on the thicker spot. And now it’s going to start bringing my load in. Does that make sense?

When we go to anchor it this is what you’ll be anchoring it to. And we’ll be anchoring into those pylons.