Wedding Ring Removal | Jewelry Removal | Medical Ring Cutter

Soda City Training instructor Brian Evans discusses techniques for safely removing rings while preserving them and minimizing harm to the patient at Carolina Fire Days 2023 in Charlotte, North Carolina.

In this real-life tools of the trade scenario, Soda City Training instructor Brian Evans discusses techniques for safely removing rings while preserving them and minimizing harm to the patient, utilizing tools like a spoon, vice, hammer, and snap ring pliers to facilitate the process, emphasizing the importance of caution and care throughout.


The goal with ring removals is to preserve the ring for whoever, whoever it’s stuck on, ok?

The goal of this station is to give you guys the cut time.

We don’t want to cause further harm to that patient. We don’t particularly want to damage the ring if we don’t have to.

I like taking a spoon and flatten it out put it in a vice, take a hammer to it, and just beat the hell out of it. Make it nice and flat to slide this up underneath and use it as a protection device.

We can take that heat, shrink and we can slide it on the end of our protection device. Make a nice little cut at the very bottom of the ring. Our snap ring pliers. After we cut it, basically what we’re going to do is going to slide these in here, rotate and squeeze.

When we go to cut this, we’re going to put them in a good position, give them that bottle of water, make some nice easy passes.

Then turn, and walla!
And that’s all there is to it.