Watch AMKUS Rescue Tools Provide Vehicle Extrication Training Course in This Firefighter Training Video

In this vehicle extrication training course, Central Alabama Training Solutions shows how to correctly use tools such as AMKUS Rescue Tools. See how vehicle extrication door removal is done properly. Also shown is how to cut glass with DeWalt FLEXVOLT tools as opposed to using a traditional ax. Below is a transcription of the video:

Bring your hand in here and hold that windshield up to it. So, it doesn’t fall in towards your patient. Okay.

Now, is that easier than using an ax? All right. Very good. All right, next, we’re going to take this door off. Anybody got a center punch? All right. I bet you, I can beat you to it. All right. Very good. Let’s try to push all the glass into the car today. Just cause it’s a training ground right here.

Okay. All right. So, we have two options. We can attack this door by getting a purchase point here, or we can use our spreaders to come about. Uh, three quarters of the way back to the post and do a spread here about half the time. This door will pop open by itself. Not even, even, uh, spreading the door from here.

All right. Now let’s put the extended reach tips on them.

Quick change out very, very quick. Easy to do. And set the tool here that way you’re not fighting. You go and you want to put this little notch and this notch here, here, and here.

let’s come back just a hair. There you go. All right. Now you’re not now don’t fight the tool at all. The tool is pinned by itself. You’re not sitting there fighting it, using your body weight and letting the tool do the work itself. Okay. And also watch this for you, that tool.

all right. So soon as we start tearing sheet metal, we want to stop. Once you start tearing it. Game over. You’re not going to get any more force out of it. All right. Now you had a pretty good purchase point. Is that a little bit more than using the Halligan in it? You’ve got a huge purchase point here. So now we can switch the tips out.

They ended up on you on the aluminum on the back. There you go again. All right. Nope, no plastic or aluminum.

You can also put one on each end. It doesn’t matter. You can use one of the reverse sideways, whatever. Um, you can use them any way you want to, except one side, if you need only a 36 inch, you need 40. Right? So now Steve’s going to put those on top of the car. So, everybody knows where they’re at.

You leave them in the ground. Things get kicked around. You’ll lose them. Okay. I always try to put them back on the car or on the hood. That way we know where they’re at. You got a Whitehat.

right now. The white-hat has a tool. All right. So, he’s going to close the tool back up. Like we talked about before he even picks it up.

Now he’s ready to spread versus holding onto it while he’s doing that. Okay. We’re going to pick the tool up and set it straight down on top of this and let the tool’s weight.

Now, drop them back in there again. All right. So, you see, I’m slammed the tool in there. How much, how much more force do you think he got by going, uh? Oh, nothing. Right. So, slamming the tool, never helps people trying to get into a hinge and they slam it. It does nothing set it in there where you want it and then move the tool and then, then turn your tool on.

Okay. So, let’s turn it just a hair that way. What do you think about that now? Those tips were as close to that hinge as you could possibly get. All right.

All right. Somebody grabbed the cutters. Do you want to pop it with the spreader? All right. What’s yourself. Okay. All right. Steve wants to use the spreaders on popping the door. Do you want to grab the door on the top there? So, we keep it from me. I like taking the bottom hinge first. Reason being the door is going to lift up and still be held on by that hinge.

Then you do the top hinge, just going to pivot the door down and less apt to hit somebody. Yeah.

I’m getting another bite. So, you see me starting to tear that sheet metal. You know, you need to get another bite. There you go,

got the handle turned all the way.

All right. And that’s why we do the bottom hinge first. That was violent. If that hinge would have been popped at the top, that door would have flown 10 feet and hurt somebody. Okay.

Oh, come on.

Steve’s going to do a cut right here with the Sawzall, just to show you the beam. There’s a transverse beam that runs from here. Two there on every single one of these vehicles. All right. Without cutting it with the saws, all we could use those spreaders and the extended reach tips right here. We’re going to make about a 45 from here, underneath this dash.

And with your imagination, you know where it’s at, he’s going to cut it and show you where it’s at today. Now we have a good idea, but you can blindly spread into this dash and you’ll more than likely hit it, if you have the correct angle, once we hit that transverse bar. The steering wheel should be sitting around this area.

So, the days of hooking up chains to the front bumper and pulling that together or putting your stair stops here and using a ram. Now you’ve got a ram in front of your patient. How are you going to get a patient out over that ram? Okay. Well, these extended reach tips and the spreader. When we spread from here to here, it’s going to open this up and now you have all of this room to get in, to get, pull your patient out in this direction.

Or if you need to fold this down, you have even more room, by leaving the tool in place. So, Steve’s going to cut the dash, just show you all the transfers bar across that. Because I know what we’re doing next. I’m gonna go ahead and change the tips out. So, I’m ready to go when he’s ready. Now, I want you all to look under there and everybody see that transfers bar.

Okay. See that metal bar that’s in this direction. That’s what we’re aiming for with this. All right. So even without cutting that piece out, I know in my mind about where it is and if you miss it, you can always re, retract it and go back in and hit it. Okay. So, I went ahead and put my extended reach tips on there and knowing what the next step was going to be.


right. See, I was slipping off that plastic. So, all I did was just pushed that plastic about the way so I can get another, another bite up underneath it. Okay.

Okay, real quick. I’m going to take it for real quick on this. Just to tell you, what are you concerned about the patient? How much room you’ve got to work with the patient? It’s funny. You’re not using the ram, doing a dash lift or nothing. So, this allows you to get to the patient. Okay. How much room you got to get the lake down quite a bit.

You know, when you buy a car and you get into it, that’s a neutral position. This was a neutral position. If it’s down on it, how many inches you really mean? Okay. It seems like when you go do demos, everybody wants that dash come out the front window. No, you’re not going to do that. You’re going to take enough room to get to the bathroom.

Okay. So, you see how quick that was never even picked up the cutter. Never. I’m not a big hinge cutters for, for, for cutters, not a big, because you’ve got a widespread or tip, it’s below it. You got the spreader. There that’s one tool, but to cutters, we’ll do it. It’s very powerful is not a problem, isn’t it?

But I stayed away from that. And plus, what we did no tripping at all, we hard to get hurt with that rocker panel hardly even touched it. Uh, when you look at it with this car, this is a tough steel. We’re going to see how. How fractures and we’ll talk about, I got the piece of it. I’ll show you, um, with this, you didn’t lose a structure by cutting this and cutting this, making a hinge, cut the bottom edge, cut the frame.

You all. There’s five, six cuts. Your car is going to come right back down. Now when Robert lets us down, it’s not coming down very far at all, especially at a standard transfer beam. Not in magnesium, you don’t bend it. It’ll stay up. You almost have to stand on it in order to get any questions I can get out of it.

And there’s plenty of room for me for you to pull a 300 pound or whatever from this position out. Right, and the tools, not even in the way. Cause if you needed to use this tool again, you could pull it, like you said, this is only going to come down, maybe an inch or two and you can go around and start popping doors.

Other places if you need to. Okay. Let’s see how far it comes back down.

Now we can do the same thing on the other side. And that transfers bars runs from A post to A post. Right. So, we can do the exact same thing. Just not going to see the dramatic with the steering wheel coming up at the top. Okay. So now it’s y’all time to play. So now y’all ready.

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