EV Battery Fire Hydraulic Spreaders Lift | Firefighter Training

This electric vehicle fire training teaches firefighters how to properly and safely use hydraulic spreaders to lift vehicles in an car fire and vehicle extrication scenario. Next Level Extrication instructor, Paul Shoemaker takes firefighters through step-by-step instructions on this ev car fire technique. VIDEO TRANSCRIPTION: Now with the spreader, as we start to go up with our lateral load, the …

EV Battery Fire Vehicle Removal | Firefighter Training

This electric vehicle fire training teaches firefighters how to properly and safely use chains to tow vehicles away during electrical vehicle battery fires. Next Level Extrication instructor, Paul Shoemaker takes firefighters through step-by-step instructions on this EV car fire technique. VIDEO TRANSCRIPTION: Now let’s talk about the chains. Using it to pull out the A post, like that, and pulling …

Firefighter Multi-car Pile-up Triangular Lift System Training

This vehicle extrication training teaches firefighters how to properly and safely use Paratech struts in a multi-car pile-up scenario. Instructors Chris Stufft and Sean Toomey teach firefighters how to set up a vertical/horizontal triangular lift system in order to create space between a vehicle and a jersey barrier so that firefighters have room to extricate the vehicle. Proper technique with …

West Metro Fire Rescue Water Tender 6 | Fire Apparatus Feature

In this Fire Spotlight equipment feature, West Metro Fire Rescue Division Chief of Support Services, Jay Jackson talks about their new SVI Trucks built Water Tender which features a 2,000 gallon tank with pump-and-roll capabilities including a rear-mounted chute that can lay down water while on the move making it the ultimate water supply unit.

Firefighter Ladder Hook Two Grab Four | Firefighter Bailout Training

In this structure fire training, When Things Go Bad, Inc. Instructor, Paul Capo teaches firefighters how to safely headfirst bailout of a building using a hook 2 grab 4 firefighter ladder technique. Proper firefighter ladder maneuvering technique results in quicker escape from the building avoiding a firefighter rit team response. VIDEO TRANSCRIPTION: This is called the hook 2 grab 4, …