Give until it hurts…
Give of yourself…
Give of your time…
Give until there is nothing left…
Give until it hurts…
Give without thought of reward…
Give every bit of your effort…
Give your pain…
Give your heart…
And Give, Give, Yet Again…
Listen to their cries…
Listen to their truth mixed with lies…
Listen with empathy born from your own great pain inside…
Hold your tongue…
Hold your greatest advice…
Hold your words as you realize…
They are working through their calamity..
They are vulnerably and courageously…
Stitching up their own wounds with threads that only God can see…
The needle is their cry for help…
The thread is woven by scarred hands…
With each painful pass, the closure of the moment is slowly felt…
They weep and cry out with desperation…
We sit in awestruck silence without wisdom or words of inspiration…
And with each moment of silence…
With each caring compassionate glance…
They are breathing in hope amidst their own circumstance.
So when we feel we lack the words or counsel to give…
Give of ourselves to others the greatest gift we could ever give…
The gift of our presence…
The gift of compassion…
The gift of one hurting soul to another proclaiming to them to…
Live one more moment…
Live one more minute…
Live one more hour…
And slowly…
They see that you are one more reason that they never had…
And that reason may be enough…
To save another hurting soul.
God bless all those who give..
— Andy J. Starnes