“When you set up on a real building, don’t just set it up, pull it back down and leave. Set it up, climb up there and look at the actual transition”

In this firefighter training video, Magic City Truck Academy, LLC instructor William Knight instructs aerial operators to know what their firefighters are facing when transitioning from aerial ladders over parapet walls.


Aerial operators in particular really, really, really need to, when you set up on a real building, don’t just set it up, pull it back down and leave. Set it up, climb up there and look at the actual transition, what it’s gonna look and feel like for the people that actually have to do that.

If you’re the kind of department where your aerial operators stay at the turntable or have other fire ground tasks, they don’t go up there with their other crews, then you need to have that connection, that understanding of what they’re going to go through when they go up there. And you’re stuck down here thinking, ‘Yeah that looks perfect from down at the turntable,’ but it looks like garbage when they up there and have to step over some big chasm or down a whole bunch or something like that.

You have to keep that, that little connection to those guys.

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